Business Areas

Introducing the business areas of SPC Samlip.

Comprehensive Food Business


Comprehensive Food Business

SPC Samlip is taking the leap forward as a global comprehensive food company with the best quality products, a business approach centered on the customer, and creative challenges with sustainable growth competitiveness. Based on mergers with companies such as SHANY, MILDAWON, and Egg Farm, we are enhancing our baking business capabilities and fostering food businesses such as Glücks Schwein (meat processing, HMR) and Fresh Food Factory (fresh convenience food) as new growth engines.

Store Business


Store Business

We are expanding our store business from the rice cake franchise brand “Bizeun,” the udon brand “Hi-myon,” and the warehouse-type bakery “Bakery Factory” to our fine-casual snack store “City Deli,” a store that reflects recent lifestyle and consumption trends.

Concession Business


Concession Business

In January 2019, we received a contract to run a full-scale concession business at the Gapyeong Rest Area. We are expanding various store areas, such as SPC Group brands Baskin Robbins, Dunkin Donuts, Bizeun, Kakao Friends, and Bukchon Son Mandu (Bukchon Handmade Dumplings), in order to provide a comfortable and enjoyable trip for people visiting the rest area.

Service Business


Service Business

SPC GFS is a food distribution company that implements the concept of farm to table that starts with sourcing local ingredients and continues with food materials distribution, franchise transactions, and the concession business.

Export Business


Export Business

SPC Samlip exports several products overseas based on a strict quality control policy of upholding high quality and safety standards. We are exporting our main products such as our bread, yakgwa (Korean traditional honey cookie), Bizeun’s rice cake, and Hi-myon noodle and capturing the tastes of multiple countries, such as the United States, Europe, the greater China area, and Southeast Asia.